The ophicthid eel Myrophis vafer Lütken was found near the mouth of Río La Boquita, Carazo, Nicaragua, apparently living in freshwater, and in brackish situations in other Central American localities. The species is diagnosed; measurements, proportions and illustrations are given far the Nicaraguan specimen.
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MILLER, D. J., & R. N. LEA 1972. Guide to the coastal marine fishes of California. Ctdil. Dept. Fish & Game, Fish Bull. 157, 1-235 pp.
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MYERS, G. S., & M. H. STOREY 1939. Hesperomys fryi, a new genus and species of echelid eel from California. Stanford Ichth. Bull., 1: 156-159.
ROSENBLATT, R. H., & J. E. MCCOSKER 1970. A key to the genera of ophichthid eels, with description of two new genera and three new species. Pacific Sci., 24: 494-505.
VILLA, J. 1971. Sinopsis de los peces de Nicaragua. Univ. Nac. Autónoma, Nic., 132 pp. Mimeo.

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