A new species of characid fish, in which the males have greatly enlarged scales on the middle of the flanks, is described from southern Costa Rica. During courtship the expanded tips of these "paddle sea les" serve as a stimulus to the female which later takes a spermatophore into her mouth. The peculiar sexual dimorphism of P. myrnae is described and coloration of live specimens, courtship behavior and ecology arc discussed.
The genus Pterobrycon is redescribed and the new form is compared to its only congener, P. landoni Eigenmarm of the Río Atrato, Colombia. Microbrycon minutus Eigenmann and Wilson is placed in the synonymy of P. landoni. Each species of Pterobrycon occupies a region of tropical wet lowland forest which is presently isolated from other such areas by a dry forest biotope. During the humid climate of the Pleistocene glacial periods, wet forest broadly connected the Central American and Colombian lowlands. The dry climatic periods of the interglacials and post Pleistocene have isolated Central American from Colombia n humid forest refuges and resulted in the sub-division of Pteroblycon, Rhoadsia, Nannorhamdia, Gymnotus and perhaps other fish genera.
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