The taxonomic composition of the Bahia de la Ascensión ichthyoplankton has been surveyed for several years (1990-1994). Fifty seven families, 84 genera, and 74 species offish larvae wereidentified. Clupeidae, Callionymidae, Labrisomidae, and Gobjidae wete the most abundant families in this bay. Larval fish diversity was highest in the rainy season. Highest overall ichthyoplankton abundances were observed in August 1993, which was attributed lo a change in the netmesh size of the plankton. Also, the highest seasonal ichthyoplankton abundances were recorded during the rainy season (July to October). Eggs density was highest along the oceanic front of the bay, while larvae were most abundant in the inner most reaches of the bay. This work confirms Bahía de la Ascensión as a regional nurseryground for marine fish populations.References
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