Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

<i>Protemblemaria perla</i>, a new species of tube blenny (Perciformes: Chaenopsidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific


tropical eastern Pacific
transisthmian species
color variation

How to Cite

Hastings, P. A. (2001). <i>Protemblemaria perla</i>, a new species of tube blenny (Perciformes: Chaenopsidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific. Revista De Biología Tropical, 49(S1), 125–132. Retrieved from


Protemblemaria perla, from Isla del Rey, Islas Perlas, Panama, is distinctive in having a long unbranched cirrus on the posterior nostril, a U-shaped fleshy ridge bearing fleshy flaps and a pair of papillae on the nape, a relatively high number (18) of segmented dorsal-fin rays, and small rust-colored spots on the dorsal fin. Protemblemaria perla and P. punctata, from the southern Caribbean, share several morphological features and form a transisthmian species pair. Although the degree of color variation is unknown in P. perla, color varies greatly in P. bicirris and P. punctata, both of which have an orange morph.


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