The Caribbean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) in Mexico is distributed throughout the complex of lagoons in coastal wetlands of the Yucatan Peninsula. The species shows a tendency toward differential use of areas between juveniles and adults at different stages of their life cycle, and in different seasons. The aim of this study was to determine the most important areas where flamingos are distributed in Yucatan wetlands, and to describe temporal variations according to age and stages of their life cycle. For this, we used the records of ringed individuals sighted during the period 2010-2015. The areas with the largest numbers of individuals, by stage and season, were identified. Flamingos were recorded in 39 different areas of 43 sampled. In general, the sites with the largest number of records were Isla La Angostura and Punta Mecoh. To both juveniles and adults, areas with higher occupancy rates differed by age between the different stages of the life cycle and seasons. In the Charca Salinera Chel and Isla La Angostura ringed flamingos of almost all ages were recorded. Although already described areas (Celestún, Ría Lagartos) are certainly important, new sites hosting considerable populations at some stage of this species life cycle were detected (e.g. Humedal Progreso; Salamandra, Laguna Rosada; Xcambo). These new sites should be given more attention and important security measures and protection are recommended to all of them. It is necessary to seek new support sources for studies that determine the flamingo population’s status in difficult access areas for which little information is available.References
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