Fossil echinoderms from Costa Rica: preliminary notes. A preliminary list of the echinoderms fauna of Costa Rica from the Cenozoic is presented, based on the literature and from specimens from the fossil collection of the Central American School of Geology at the University of Costa Rica, the National Museum and personal collections. The fauna is composed by the class Crinoidea with only one genera and the class Echinoidea with seven orders, 18 families, 28 genera and 45 species. The Order Spatangoida is the most diverse of the six found, with seven families, 15 genera and 26 species. The most diverse family is Brissidae (8), whereas the diverse genus is Schizaster with seven species. Most of specimens belong to the Cretaceous and Miocene in a total of 11 geologic formations throughout all the country. In addition, a review of the scientific research of this group in Costa Rica from 1880 until today is presented. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54 (Suppl. 1): 287-299. Epub 2006 Sept. 30.References
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