A review of publications from the past ten years that report PCB concentrations in sediments and biota is given. During the past ten years only 33 papers out of the published 177 papers on PCBs were from samples obtained in tropical areas. Sediments from the tropics contained relatively low concentrations of total PCBs. The most polluted tropical site in India had sediment concentrations up to 2330 mg/g dw attributed to industrialization and pollution. Sediment from pristine areas were unquantifiable at levels below the detection limits. Biota samples covered a range of species from a range of locations. Biota from pristine tropical areas were unquantifiable at levels below the detection limits. Higher taxa from more developed sites had relatively higher concentrations when compared to other tropical biota, but were still low compared to samples from temperate climates. The lack of data from the tropics still makes correlation of PCB concentrations with other factors problematic. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (Suppl. 4): 1-9. Epub 2009 June 30.References
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