Three species of Morganella are reported for Costa Rica: M. juliginea (Berk. & Curt.) Kreisel & Dring, M. velutina (Berk. ex Mass.) Kreisel & Dring (first record for the country) and M. costericensis Morales, new species.References
BOMMER., J. E., & M. ROUSSEAU 1896. Fungi, in Th. Durand & H. Pittier, Primitiae Flome Costaricensis, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bol. Belgique, 35: 151-166.
COKER, W. C., & J. N. COUCH 1928. The Gasteromycetes of the eastern United States and Canada. University of North Carolina Press. 201 pp.
CUNNINGHAM, G. B. 1944. The Gasteromycetes of Australia and New Zealand. Dunedin, N. Z. 236 pp.
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DENNIS, R. W. G. 1953. Some West Indian Gasteromycetes. Kew Bull. 3: 307-328.
DRING, D. M. 1964. Gasteromycetes of west tropical Africa. Mycol. Pap., 98: 1-53.
GARNER, J. H. B. 1956. Gasteromycetes from Panama and Costa Rica. Mycologia, 48: 757-764.
KREISEL, H. 1962. Die Lycoperdaceae der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Feddes Repert., 64: 89-201.
KREISEL, H. 1967. Taxonomisch-pflanzengcograpbische Monograp hie der Gattung Borvista. Beib. Nora. Hedwigia, 25: 1-244.
KREISEl, H., & D. M. DRING 1967. An emendation of the genus Morganella Zeller (Lycoperdaceae). Feddes Repert., 74: 109-122.
LLOYD, C. G. 1905. The Lycoperdons of the United States. Mycol. Notes, 20: 221-238.
POLAKOWSKY, H. 1879. Die PflanzenweIt v. Costa-Rica. Ein Beitrag z. Kenntniss d. Flora v. Central- Amerika. Jabresber. Verein. Erdkunde Dresden, 16: 25-124.
PONCE DE LEÓN, P. 1971. Revision of the genus Morganella (Lycoperdactae). Fieldiana, Bol., 34: 27-44.
SMITH, A. H. 1951. Puffballs and ther allies in Michigan. University of Michigan Press. 131 pp.
VILLALOBOS-DOMINGUEZ, C., & J. VILLALOBOS 1947. Atlas de los Colores. Editorial El Ateneo, Buenos Aires. XV + 76 + 12 pp., 38 lám.
ZELLER, S. M. 1948. Notes on certain Gasteromycetes, including two new orders. Mycologia, 40: 639-668.
ZELLER, S. M. & A. H. SMITH 1964. The genus Calvatia in North America. Lloydia, 27: 148-186.

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