Echinococcus oligarthrus Diesing, 1863, from the small intestine of a puma, Felis concolor costaricensis, is reported for the first time in Costa Rica. It had been previonsly reported from Brazil, Colombia and Panamá.References
BRUMPT, E., & C. JOYEUX 1924. Description d'un nouvel échinocoque: Echinococcus cruzi n. sp. Ann. Parasit. Hum. Comp., 2: 226-231.
CAMERON, T. W. M. 1926. Observations on the genus Echinococcus rudolphi, 1801. Helminthol, 4: 13-22.
DIESING, K M. 1863. Revision der Cephalocotyleen. Abtheilung: Cyclocotyleen. Sitzher. Akad. Wiss. Wien Math. naturw. Klasse Abt. I., 49: 357-430.
LÜHE. M. 1910. Cystotanien sudamerikanischer Feliden. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl., 13: 687-710.
SOUSA, O. E., & J. D. LOMBARDO AYALA 1965. Informe de un caso de hidatidosis en sujeto nativo panameño; primer caso autóctono. Arch. Med. Panam. 14: 79.
THATCHER, V. E. & O. E. SOUSA 1966. Echinococcus oligarthrus Diesing, 1863, in Panama and comparison with a recent human hydatid. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol., 60: 405-415.

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