Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Los Dilatadores de Copulación de <i>Porocephalus clavatus</i> y <i>Porocephalus stilesi</i> (Pentastomida)
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How to Cite

Vargas V., M. (1968). Los Dilatadores de Copulación de <i>Porocephalus clavatus</i> y <i>Porocephalus stilesi</i> (Pentastomida). Revista De Biología Tropical, 16(2), 241–245.


The copulation dilators of Porocephalus stilesi and P. clavatus are paired, spoon-shaped structures located very near the genital pare in the maleo The spoon-shaped body is then anteriorIy projected into a tongue-like extension at the base of which are strong muscules in a digitiform cavity.

The dilators of the Porocephalus species studied coincide with those des­ cribed for Pentastomum proboscideum.

The differences between the copulation dilators of P. stilesi and P. clavatus and those of the genera Raillietiella, Mahafalliela, Gigliolella and Linguatula are described
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