Hepatozoon procyonis Richards, 1961, (Coccidia, Adeleina) has been found in a Panamanian crab-eating raccoon, Procyon cancrivorus panamensis (Goldman), a new host species record and the first report of a hemogeegarine from a Panamanian carnivore. The schizonts, in myocardium, and the gametocytes, in monocytes, are described.
The following points were not included in Richards' original description: (1) The eIongated, free "flap" of the gametocyte capsule contained 3 to 8 refractile granules which stained magenta with Giemsa. (2) The schizonts were associated with an active, focal myocarditis. (3) The merozoites within mame schizonts were "taited".
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