Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Nota preliminar sobre algunos Siphonaptera de Costa Rica
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Barrera, A. (1966). Nota preliminar sobre algunos Siphonaptera de Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 14(2), 293–296.


A vial, containing six dried alcohol-preserved specimens from the late Dr. Alfonso Damps's collection, allows the author to record five different species of Nearctic Siphonaptera for the Poas Volcano, Alajuela, Costa Rica: Strepsylia daimati Traub and Barrera, 1951; Pleochaetis d. dolens (Jordan and Rothschild), 1914; P. mathesoni Traub 1950; Plechaetis sp. near vermiformis Traub, 1950, and Kohlsia graphis (Rothschild) 1909. S. dalmatti and P. mathesoni are new records for Costa Rica. The author discusses the confusing title of the note by ARNOLD and TONN (1) on K. g. erana Traub, 1950 in which these authors remark that their specimens are closer to K. g. graphis than to K. g. eyana.
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