Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Análisis al microscopio electrónico de la mucosa nasal de pacientes ex-adictos a la cocaína
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mucosa nasal
microscopia electrónica

How to Cite

Moreira Carmona, L., Guevara Arroyo, A. V., & Arroyo Gutiérrez, O. (1994). Análisis al microscopio electrónico de la mucosa nasal de pacientes ex-adictos a la cocaína. Revista De Biología Tropical, 42(S2), 151–158. Retrieved from


Normal and pathological human nasal mucous biopsies were used and obtained surgically. Pathological one were taken from cocaine adicted patients who had been using this drug during many years mainly by snorting via. From the clinical point of view all patients presented similar symptoms among which the most common were acute and chronic rhinitis, sneeze and bleeding. All cases include showed evident tissue desorganization that ultrastructurally present parcial or total lost of cillia as well as disruption between epithelia and basal lamina. Although, normal tissue was substituited by abundant fibrous tissue explaining why this tissue lost its normal function. All described alterations were analized by transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope.
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