Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Inmunidad natural de algunos Triatominae al <i>Trypanosoma equinum</i> Vogues, 1901
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How to Cite

Zeledón, R. (1955). Inmunidad natural de algunos Triatominae al <i>Trypanosoma equinum</i> Vogues, 1901. Revista De Biología Tropical, 3(2), 171–178.


The high resistance is shown of some Triatominae (P. megistus, T. in­festans, R. prolixus) to Trypanosoma equinum inoculated into the general cavity or ingested by the insects. T?e possibility of evolution of this organism in the insects studied is thus eliminated. Trypanosoma equinum was maintained alive for at least one week in the hemocele of ticks of the genus Amblyomma; the importance of further experimentation with these arthropods is stressed, in order to locate finally the natural invertebrate transmitter of "mal de caderas" - equine trypanosomiasis. The possibility is pointed out of using ticks of this genus as a means of sending T. equinum strains from one place to another, which at present is only done by means of infected susceptible mammals.
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