Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Observaciones parasitológicas en ratas de San José, Costa Rica
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Vives, N., & Zeledón, R. (1957). Observaciones parasitológicas en ratas de San José, Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 5(2), 173–194.


A parasitologic study is presented of 103 adult house rats from various sites in San José, Costa Rica. Seven specimens were Rattus rattus rattus, and the rest were Rattus norvegicus. The following protozoa were found in trophic form when feces were examined for eggs and larvae of helminths: Trichomonas, Giardia, Hexamita, Chilomastix, and Entamoeba. Trypanosoma lewisi was found in the blood of 7 out of 17 rats examined (8,8%) The following nematodes and cestodes were found with the incidence indicated: Strongyloides ratti (41,7 %); Aspiculuris tetraptera (1,9 %); Nipostron­gylus brasiliensis (47,6%); Gongylonema neoplasticum (0,9 %); Protospirura muris (8,7%); Trichosomoides crassicauda (23,3%); Taenia taeniformis larvae (33%); Hymenolepis diminuta (43,6%); and H. nana (0,9 %). No larvae of Trichinella spiralis were found in diaphragms examined. The acanthocephalian Moniliformis moniliformis was found in 18,4 per cent of the rats. Arthropods found as ectoparasites were, in arder of incidence, Echino­laelaps echidninus (14,5%), Xenopsilla cheopis (7,7 %) and Ctenopsyllus se­gnis (1,9%). These percent data should be regarded as minimum figures, as only 61 rats were brought alive to the laboratory.
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