Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Estudio preliminar sobre la respuesta del cafeto al ácido giberélico
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How to Cite

Carvajal, J. F. (1958). Estudio preliminar sobre la respuesta del cafeto al ácido giberélico. Revista De Biología Tropical, 6(2), 273–278.


1. Coffea arabica seedlings were given one application of gibberellic acid; two months later, a positive response was observed. 2. The application of gibberellic acid resulted in plant height differen­ces significant at the 1% level. Increasing concentrations of gibberellic acid resulted in a linear increase in height. Stem diameters did not appear to be affected by the treatment. 3. Further applications of the same concentrations of gibberellic acid were made on two lots of the test plants at monthly and bimonthly intervals. Seedlings receiving monthly applications showed better growth than those given bimonthly applications, the least growth being shown by the controls. 4. Differences in the number of leaves on the treated plants were not statistically significant. 5. Plants receiving 40 and 50 μg of gibberellic acid at each monthly application grew excessively, developíng abnormally narrow leaves.
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