Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Enteritis infecciosa de los terneros I. Estudio de tres brotes en diferentes localidades del país
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How to Cite

Arroyo, G., & Bolaños, R. (1959). Enteritis infecciosa de los terneros I. Estudio de tres brotes en diferentes localidades del país. Revista De Biología Tropical, 7(1), 89–93.


Three outbreaks of calf enteritis were investigated. Salmonella typhi-murium was isolated from two of them, and a Salmonella of group E 1 from the third. In no instance was S. dublin found; pending further investigation, therefore, the suggestion is made that calves and pregnant cows should be immunized with vaccine prepared from the isolates of each outbreak, as commercial or other vac­cines prepared from S. dublin are likely to be of little value
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