Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Distribution of the cyanophyte <i>Trichodesmium</i> (Oscillatoriaceae) in the eastern Caribbean Sea: influence of the Orinoco River
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Orinoco River
Caribbean Sea
time series station

How to Cite

Navarro, A., Corredor, J. E., Morell, J., & Armstrong, R. (2000). Distribution of the cyanophyte <i>Trichodesmium</i> (Oscillatoriaceae) in the eastern Caribbean Sea: influence of the Orinoco River. Revista De Biología Tropical, 48(S1), 115–124. Retrieved from


Orinoco River influence in the Caribbean Sea, characterized by high nutrient input, causes a decrease of Trichodesmium populations. The Caribbean Time Series (CaTS) station, south of Puerto Rico (17°36'N 67°00'W), was mon­itored for 25 months in order to observe the Trichodesmium abundance pattern and the presence of the river plume. In gen­eral, mean Trichodesmium abundance was higher at the surface and decreased with depth; The mean upper Waler column (surface to 20 m) abundance was 54.1t32.6 col/m3. Within the sampling period, abundance was highly variable (1-700 col/m3). Correlation between Trichodesmium abundance and wind speed (p=0.002), chlorophyll a concentration (p=0.001), nitrate (p=0.02) and silicate (p=0. 003)concentrations were statistically significant. However, Trichodesmium abundance was not correlated with salinity (p=0.70), temperature (p=0.16) and seawater density (p=0.71) variatious at CaTS. Eastern Caribbean regions highly influenced by the Orinoco River discharge were devoid of Trichodesmium colonies.
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