Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Aves de la Comisaría del Vaupés (Colombia)
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How to Cite

Olivares, A., & Hernàndez C., J. (1962). Aves de la Comisaría del Vaupés (Colombia). Revista De Biología Tropical, 10(1), 61–90.


One, hundred species of birds, of 39 families, are listed from the collections made in the Mitú region, Vaupés, in the Amazonian Colombia by the senior author in August, 1960. The presence of Galbula l. leucogastra in Colombia is confirmed. A great number of the citations are range extensions, and in many cases fill a considerable gap in the previously published distributions. The affinities between Colombia and Brazilian avifauna are stressed. Some species are noteworthy by reason of their rarity. The common names of the birds are those given in the area by the Tukano Indian tribe. Geological field data ice presented, as wéll as information concerning a new locality surveyed, Cerro de Mitú.
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