Effect of geographic origin on morphological qualities of the plant Prosopis alba (Fabaceae). Seed provenance has a genetic control over the behavioral characteristics of plants, whereby selection is an useful tool to achieve the maximum adaptation of the species to the environment. In this sense, different provenance materials characterization provides information for choosing seed sources used in breeding programs, as well as afforestation and/or reforestation projects. The aim of this work was established provenance´s effect on morphological variables that constitute quality parameters in Prosopis alba seedlings from three geographic areas. Morphological plants´ variables were measured up to 150 days after planting. Provenance effect was significant for most of measured variables: plant´s height, neck diameter (at least during the first 3 months of nursery), root volume, specific leaf weight and specific leaf area. Likewise, some of the morphological indices and quotients considered variables to determine plants´ quality are affected by material´s geographical origin: shoot length/root length proportion, slenderness coefficient and index. Results allow affirming P. alba´s provenance influences plants´ morphology determining the existence of two different groups: on one hand Santiago del Estero and Chaco provenances, and on the other, Salta Norte origin. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 593-604. Epub 2018 June 01.
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