Anti-Leishmania (Trypanosomatidae) activity of trans-Z-α-bisabolene epoxide and isolation of safrole, in fruits of Piper auritum (Piperaceae). The leishmaniosis disease incidence is high in tropical regions, and its current treatment has shown severe secondary effects. Considering this problem, many studies have focused on plants, looking for chemical components that have anti-leishmanial activity, and are free of adverse effects for human beings. The purpose of this work was to find a chemical component with this kind of activity in Piper auritum. In a phytochemical screening of this plant, we found some cumarins, terpens, triterpens and reducing sugars; and later, we identified the components trans-Z-α-bisabolene epoxide and Safrol. The first component presented a CI50 of 50.0 µg/mL of anti-Leishmania activity. The Safrol, which is the major component of the essential oils of this plant, did not show antiparasitic activity. These results are discussed considering treatment of leishmaniasis. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 826-835. Epub 2018 June 01.
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