Woody vegetation structure in three areas with Tropical Dry Forest in the Isthmus-Coastal of Oaxaca, Mexico. Tropical dry forest (TDF) is important due to its biodiversity. In the Isthmus-Coastal region of the state of Oaxaca, in Southeast Mexico, there are many areas of TDF with varying categories of legal protection (1) Protected Natural Areas (PNA), (2) Voluntarily Designated Conservation Areas (VDCA) and (3) Areas of Common Use (ACU). In each of these, tree vegetation structure was analysed, recording plants with a DBH ≥ 2.5 cm and sampling 15 plots of 100 m2. Observed richness was 90 species, belonging to 36 families and corresponding to 80 % (Jackknife) and 85 % (ICE) of expected richness. A cluster analysis identified two groups with 90 % dissimilitude: the first (G1) included all the sampled plots in the PNA; and the second (G2), grouped together those from the VDCA and the ACU. The Shannon, Simpson dominance and Jost true diversity indices for G1 were H’= 2.43, D= 0.21 and qD= 11 and for G2, H’= 2.76, D= 0.28 and qD= 15 respectively, with no differences between groups (P < 0.05). The species that presented the highest relative importance value (RIV) in both groups, corresponded to secondary vegetation. Species density of G1 was 1 829 ind/ha and 2 370 ind/ha for G2. Mean height (6.8 m) and basal area (19.7 m2/ha) of G1 did not vary significantly (P < 0.05) when compared to G2 (7.9 m y 22.1 m2/ha). The VDCA and ACU presented similar composition and structure, differing from the PNA. Continual monitoring of the TDF is suggested. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 863-879. Epub 2018 June 01.
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