Introduction: The prediction of potential fishing areas is considered one of the most immediate and practical approaches in fisheries and is an essential technique for decision-making in managing fishery resources. It helps fishermen reduce their fuel costs and the uncertainty of their fish catches; this technique allows to contribute to national and international food security. In this study, we build different combinations of predictive statistical models such as Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Additive Models. Objective: To predict the spatial distribution of PFZs of the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus L.) in the Colombian Pacific Ocean. Methods: We built different combinations of Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Additive Models to predict the Catch Per Unit Effort of C. hippurus captured from 2002 to 2015 as a function of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, sea level anomaly, and bathymetry. Results: A Generalized Additive Model with Gaussian error distribution obtained the best performance for predicting PFZs for C. hipurus. Model validation was performed by calculating the Root Mean Square Error through a cross-validation approach. The R2 of this model was 50 %, which was considered suitable for the type of data used. January and March were the months with the highest Catch per Unit Effort values, while November and December showed the lower values. Conclusion: The predicted PFZs of C. hippurus with Generalized Additive Models satisfactorily with the results of previous research, suggesting that our model can be explored as a tool for the assessment, decision making, and sustainable use of this species in the Colombian Pacific Ocean.
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