Introduction: Temporary ponds are variable aquatic ecosystems in their physical and biotic structure, ephemeral in the landscape and important in the flow of matter and energy. Aquatic macroinvertebrates constitute the most abundant and diverse group in these ecosystems; therefore, it is of great importance to understand their temporal and spatial composition. Objective: To evaluate the alpha and beta diversity of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of six temporary pools during two climatic seasons in northern Colombia. Methods: It was sampled in the coastal and limnetic zone using a type D net and the Van Veen dredge. Ecological indexes of alpha diversity and beta were used using conglomerate analysis to know the groups formed, finally, a permutational analysis was carried out between climatic periods and ponds. Results: 3 358 individuals were identified, represented by 13 orders, 39 families and 68 genera. The greatest abundance and diversity (N = 485, 0D = 32) during the rainy season occurred in Los Campanos, while Villa Leidy Pond had the highest number of common (18) and dominant (14) taxa. In the dry season, Los Trillizos Pond had the highest abundance (533) and diversity (43); while Villa Leidy and El Miquito had the largest number of dominant taxa (16). The dissimilarity analysis shows that the pools have a particular composition, since there is no evidence of grouping on a spatial or temporal scale; In addition, a high turnover of taxa was found. Finally, the canonical correspondence analysis exhibited clustering due to temporality. Conclusions: The composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of the temporary ponds are very diverse and show high turnover both spatially and temporally, reflecting high replacement values of taxa between climatic periods. The analysis of the microhabitats showed that the littoral zone maintained a similar composition during the two seasons.
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