Very few studies have been carried out on tropical Tremellales. Four new taxa are described, as follows: Tremella armeniaca R. Bandoni & Carranza: basidiomata superficial, lobes single or of small clusters, surfaces smooth, glossy to waxy Warm Orange to Ripe Apricot (R); nodose septate hyphae 2-5 um; basidiospores 6-9(-10) x 3-6 (-7) um, ovoid, apiculate; conidia 3-5 x 1.5-2.5 um, obovoid, ellipsoid to subcylindric. T. lilacea R. Bandoni & Carranza: basidiomata aggregated, tuberculate, anastomosing and distinctly moriform, gelatinous, pale amethyst to Pansy Purple (R); hyphae with few septa 1.5-4 um; basidiospores mostly bullate 8.5-10 x 7-8 um. T. nigrifacta R. Bandoni & Carranza: basidiomata erumpens, gelatinous, tuberculate, first hyaline then reddish-brown, becoming smoky and drying black; hyphae 2-5 um with short lateral finger-like branches; gemmae present 6-8 x 5-6 um, globose to ovoid; basidiospores 10-14 x 9-12 um, bullate or globose and T. roseolutescens R. Bandoni & Carranza: basidiomata pulvinate to cerebriform, soft gelatinous, Rose Pink to near Flesh Color or Salmon Color (R) changing to orange; nodose-septate hyphae 2-5 um; scattered vesicles intermixed with basidia; basidiospores 11-15 x 9-11.5 um bullate to globose or ovoid. These new species were collected in La Selva, Sarapiquí, Heredia; in San José; Cachí and Turrialba, Cartago; La Garita, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
Bandoni, R.J. 1958. Some Tremellaceous fungi in the C.G. Lloyd collection. Lloydia 21: 137-151.
Lowy, B. 1971. Tremellales. Flora Neotropica, Monograph No. 6. Organization for Flora Neotropica. Hafner, New York. 153 p.
Lowy, B. 1980. Tremellales. Flora Neotropica, Monograph No. 6. Supplement. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York·
Martin, G. W. 1934. Three new Heterobasidiomycetes. Mycologia 26: 261·
Olive, L.S. 1946. Some taxonomic notes on higher fungi. Mycologia 38: 534-547.
Ridgway, R. 1912. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature. Washington, D.C. (published by the author).

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