Sixty-three species of Agaricales (Basidiornycotina) from eight families are reported from La Selva Biological station and Reserve (Caribbean lowland of Costa Rica). Included are the following genera: Agaricus, Alboleptonia, Chaetocalathus, Clitocybula, Collybia, Coprinus, Crepidotus, Crinipellis, Dictyopanus, Filoboletus, Gerronema, Hohenbuehelia, Hydropus, Hypholoma, Lepiota, Leucocoprinus, Leucopaxillus, Marasmiellus, Marasmius, Mycena, Nothopanus, Oudemansiella, Panellus, Pleurocollybia, Pluteus, Pyrrhoglossum, Rugosospora; Trogia, Volvariella, Xerulina. The site is a lowland tropical rain forest. All but seven taxa are reported for Costa Rica for the first time. Complete descriptions are provided for fifteen taxa.
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Weber, N. S. & A. H. Smith. 1985. A field guide to southern mushrooms. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 280 p.

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