Introduction: The brackish lagoons are ecosystems with great diversity and possibilities for human use. Therefore, the knowledge about phytoplankton needs to be improved to understand its real impact. Objective: To relate the Mandinga's Lagoon phytoplankton to the limnological conditions during the dry and wet seasons. Methods: The material was collected in three stations: Isla Conchas (ICO), Mandinga Chica (MCH) and Isla del Amor (IA) during the dry (March 2018) and wet (September 2017 and 2018) seasons. The limnological analysis included ten abiotic variables, and the phytoplankton was analyzed by the Utermöhl method. Data was analyzed with the Shannon index (H´) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Results: 136 species were identified: 68.4 % Heterokontophyta, 22.8 % Dinoflagellata, and 5.9 % Cyanobacteriota; with 40 euryhaline and 96 stenohaline. The most abundant species were: Bacillaria paxillifera, Chaetoceros compressus, Coscinodiscus rothii, and Chaetoceros atlanticus. The highest abundance was in ICO (dry) and the lowest in MCH (wet), with 307 x 103 and 76 x 103 cells/ml, respectively; the H´ ranged from 1.31 to 0.70 bits/ind. The CCA showed a relationship between salinity and dissolved oxygen with C. rothii and Ceratoneis closterium. The phosphates were associated with B. paxillifera, C. atlanticus, and Podosira stelligera. The nitrate, water temperature and pH were related to Tripos hircus, T. furca, Diploneis bombus, and Merismopedia elegans. In contrast, Skeletonema costatum, Cocconeis scutelum, and Nitzschia bicapitata did not correlate with the limnological variables. Conclusions: The Mandinga's Lagoon is a shallow, euryhaline and well-oxygenated ecosystem. The dominance of diatoms and dinoflagellates was evidenced by their ability to survive in different salinities and temperatures. It is recommended monitor phytoplankton, in particular Microcystis wesenbergii, B. quinquecornis, Pseudo-nitzschia cf. pungens, and P. cf. pseudodelicatissima as they are harmful algae.
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