Introduction: Stingless bees are widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. In Indonesia, the distribution of stingless bees are grouped in three regions, namely Indo-Malayan, Wallacea, and Indo-Australian. Ten species of stingless bees have been recorded in Papua, seven of which are endemic. The Cycloop Mountains Nature Reserve (CMNR) is one of the conservation area in Papua, Indonesia, for flora and fauna. Unfortunately, the study of the diversity of stingless bees in Papua has been limited. Objective: To measure the diversity, nesting sites, nest entrance characteristics and nest architecture of stingless bees. Methods: Observation of the stingless bee nests in the nature reserves and in the residential areas used a road sampling method and information from local people, respectively. A total of 22 colonies were studied. Results: Two species of stingless bee were found, namely Tetragonula sapiens (Cockerell, 1911) and Heterotrigona (Platytrigona) planifrons (Smith, 1865). The current study showed new distribution records for T. sapiens and H. planifrons in the CMNR. The nesting site of T. sapiens was commonly found in house foundation, while that of H. planifrons was in coconut palm cavities. The nest entrance of T. sapiens varied, i.e., elliptical, oval, rounded, irregular, horizontally or vertically elongated. Meanwhile, the nest entrance of H. planifrons was vertically elongated. The brood cells of T. sapiens varied, i.e., vertical, horizontal, or semi-clusters, while in H. planifrons was layered vertically. Conclusions: Two species of stingless bees found, T. sapiens and H. planifrons, showed a new distribution records and T. sapiens was a dominant species in Papua. The nest entrance of the species varied in shape, color, and texture.
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