Introduction: Black coral studies in Central America are scarce. Even though Antipathes has been reported as one of the coral genera that has succumbed to anthropic pressure, publications haven’t been made on El Salvador black coral species, habitats, distribution, and importance. Objective: To identify the species of black corals in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, and qualitatively characterize the abundance and size of the colonies; and to identify the most conspicuous epibiont species in the colonies. Methods: Visual census with SCUBA diving for qualitative characterization and underwater photographs were taken for the registration of epibiont species in six points of Los Cóbanos, between December 2021 to February 2022 and six to characterize size of the colonies and abundance. Results: The first report of black coral forests in El Salvador was made, constructed by two species: Myriopathes panamensis and Antipathes galapagensis. We also reported, for first time, the occurrence of M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus and Amphiodia sp. We found disturbances of anthropic origin, such as marine debris and damage to the colonies by anchors. Conclusions: It is necessary to establish efforts towards the knowledge of the fauna of mesophotic zones, mainly in vulnerable marine ecosystems of black coral forests and gorgonian gardens. There is an important potential, and data will help overcome information gaps in the region, allowing for better conservation measures.
Objectives: Report the species of black corals that are recorded in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, and to qualitatively characterize the abundance and size of the colonies; also, to identify the most conspicuous epibiont species of the colonies.
Methods: Visual census with SCUBA diving for qualitative characterization and underwater photographs were taken for the registration of epibiont species in six points of Los Cóbanos, between December 2021 to February 2022.
Results: Is the first report of black coral forests in El Salvador, this is structured by two species. Additionally, the new species records for the country are: Myriopathes panamensis, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia sp., Nemathus californicus, y Amphiodia sp. Affectations of anthropic origin were observed, such as marine debris and damage to the colonies by anchors.
Conclusions: It is necessary to establish efforts to know the fauna of mesophotic zone, mainly in vulnerable marine ecosystems of black coral forests and gorgonian gardens. There is important potential, and the data will help overcome information gaps in the region and allowing for better conservation measures.
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