Introduction: The use of alluvial materials (sand, gravel and boulders from riverbeds) directly impacts the wildlife associated with them. The most affected are those groups of smaller size, such as reptiles, with reduced mobility and gradual displacement. This group was selected as an indicator of the impact of gravel pit installation because of its sensitivity to disturbance of its habitat. Objective: To determine the effect of alluvial material extraction on the structure of the reptile community in river areas where gravel pits are installed. Methods: This work was carried out in the floodplains of the Tehuantepec River, Oaxaca, Mexico. Six transects of 300 m with a search width of 25 m were established, three in the area of alluvial material extraction and three others in areas in their natural state without extraction. In these two contrasting conditions, an inventory of reptiles was made. Also, relevant variables of the habitat of reptiles were recorded. The alpha and beta diversity were compared between both conditions. Results: The inventory of reptiles registered 27 species. In the transects located in the area of alluvial material extraction, lower richness and abundance were observed (14 species and 390 individuals) than in those in the natural state (26 species and 1205 individuals). The negative effect was greater in snakes, causing a 75% difference in richness while in lizards it was 32%. The abundance of reptiles was correlated with bodies of water, sun exposure and herbaceous vegetation. Conclusions: The establishment of gravel pits and removal of alluvial materials has a strong impact on the diversity and abundance of reptiles. The negative effect is greater in the group of snakes, which disappeared from the area from the gravel pits were established.
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