Introduction: The use of arthropods in ecological studies in the tropical dry forest (TDF) of Colombia focused mainly on spiders, butterflies, ants, and dung beetles; therefore, it is necessary to understand the seasonal dynamics of the other groups such as Geadephaga in this ecosystem. Objective: To evaluate the spatiotemporal variations and the effect of environmental conditions on the diversity of the Geadephaga communities in two TDF fragments in the Colombian Caribbean. Methods: This study was conducted during four sampling events between February and June 2018, each lasting four days, and four nights. Four sampling stations were selected in each locality (Reserva Campesina La Montaña = RCM and Reserva La Flecha = RLF), separated 350 m one from another, with square plots of 50 × 50 m. A light trap was installed in the center of each square, while pitfall traps were installed in the four vertices, and manual capture, beating sheets and leaf litter sieve were carried out. Results: A total of 348 Carabidae and 114 of Cicindelidae were captured. In both fragments, the richness and abundance presented the lowest values in dry season, while the highest values were observed during the rainy season. Tetracha affinis (Dejean, 1825) was the most abundant species in RCM during rainy season. Conclusions: The richness variation and abundance of Geadephaga corresponds to a seasonal pattern at both locations. A high dissimilarity between the communities of Geadephaga from the two fragments was found, despite having similar environmental conditions.
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