Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Diversity of Leptohyphidae (Ephemeroptera) nymphs in the Quenane-Quenanito river, Colombian plain foothills
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Velásquez-López, S., Vásquez Ramos, J. M., Caro-Caro, C. I., & Gomes Dias, L. (2024). Diversity of Leptohyphidae (Ephemeroptera) nymphs in the Quenane-Quenanito river, Colombian plain foothills. Revista De Biología Tropical, 72(1), e52916.


Introduction: Various anthropic pressures affect the aquatic ecosystems of the foothills of Colombia. The response to environmental stressors is still unknown in bioindicator organisms such as Leptohyphidae. Objective: To determine the diversity of Leptohyphidae nymphs of the Quenane-Quenanito river, in two contrasting hydrological periods and its relationship with some physicochemical variables. Methods: In December (2014) and February (2015), organisms were collected with a Surber net at six stations along the current. Alpha and beta diversity was analyzed and redundancy analysis and generalized linear model were applied to establish the relationship between taxa and environmental variables. Results: Were identified 369 organisms belonging to four genera (Amanahyphes, Traverhyphes, Tricorythopsis, and Tricorythodes), two species, and eight morphospecies. Amanahyphes saguassu is reported for the first time for the Meta department. High diversity of Leptohyphidae nymphs was recorded in the transition to drought season and greater abundance in drought. Beta diversity indicated that the configuration of the assemblage changes spatially and temporally. Conclusions: Leptohyphidae organisms prefer fast habitats, particularly in the dry period where they find food (leaf litter, detritus) and shelter to establish themselves successfully; anthropic activities such as urbanization notably affect diversity. The high diversity recorded in this small stream in the foothills of the plains reflects the need to increase this type of works and collection efforts of study material in the region.
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