Introduccion: The macroalgae communities of the Guanahacabibes National Park have been little studied from the quantitative point of view, despite the influence that underwater vegetation has on the structure and functioning of coastal ecosystems, a component that until now has been underestimated in the region Cuba. Objective: To evaluate the temporal and spatial variation of the macroalgae genera in two stations of María la Gorda, south of the Guanahacabibes National Park, and - to evaluate the health of the reef according to the coverage of the different predominant macroalgae morphotypes. Methods: The study was conducted between February 2014 and March 2017 in Laberinto and Yemayá by means of autonomous diving at a depth of 10 m. The algal coverage was estimated following the AGRRA methodology. The coverage (%) that each gender and morpho-functional group contributed to the total coverage found in the study area was calculated. Results: The dominant genera during the study period were Dictyota, Lobophora and Halimeda. The highest values of richness were found in the month of June 2015 and the lowest in October 2014. The fleshy and calcareous algae showed greater coverage in Laberinto than in Yemayá, not being so with crustaceans. The index of fleshy was higher in Laberinto. Conclusion: These results constitute a baseline for future monitoring studies in Guanahacabibes and suggest that rapid ecological evaluations of macroalgae in the field at the genus level are a reliable indicator that can be used to monitor changes over time.
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