Introduction: The Cedeño Turtle Camp has been the least researched site in the Fonseca Gulf, where Olive Ridley Turtles in Honduras have been protected since 1975. Objective: To evaluate the nesting of Olive Ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) during the closed season from 2011 to 2021 in Campamento Tortuguero Cedeño, Choluteca, Honduras. Methods: From 2011 to 2021, daily monitoring of nesting activities was conducted during the closed season from the 1st to 25th of September. Patrols were conducted between 6:00-18:00 h, and 18:00-5:00 h. The total number of nesting turtles was recorded, and their eggs were collected and transported to the hatchery, where clutch and hatchling performance were tabulated. Results: A total of 1 065 L. olivacea turtles were recorded, 95 051 eggs collected, 1 065 nests marked on three beaches that were relocated in artificial hatcheries and a successful hatching of 62 747 hatchlings. Las Doradas beach was the site with the highest number of nesting turtles, followed by Los Delgaditos and lastly Cedeño. The average nesting frequency was 96 nests. From 2011 to 2021 the nest collection effort increased by 91.6 %, from 84 to 161 nests. The number of people patrolling was associated with the number of nests detected on the beaches. Conclusion: Monitoring and conservation efforts for L. olivacea in the Campamento Tortuguero Cedeño show a positive trend in nesting with a greater increase in Playa Las Doradas. This scenario proves the functionality of the closed season in this area.
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