Introduction: Chagas disease is caused by a hemoflagellate parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi, distributed mainly in Latin America. Countries like Mexico are affected by this parasite, and it is estimated that one million people carry the disease. Currently, the treatment focuses on benznidazole and nifurtimox, which, when applied in the acute phase, is effective but not in the chronic phase and is difficult to access. Therefore, alternatives that can provide new treatments are sought; one option is plants, since they produce secondary metabolites with various biological activities, including antiparasitic. Objective: To evaluate the trypanocidal potential of methanolic extracts collected in some Mexican states from various Latin American plants. Methods: The five plant species under study were obtained in Mexico from the states of Jalisco, Aguascalientes, and Nuevo León; the samples were dried, and the methanolic extracts were obtained. Two strains of T. cruzi were used to evaluate its trypanocidal activity; the Ninoa strain and a wild strain obtained in Calvillo, Aguascalientes. Concentrations of the extracts from 1 000 to 10 ppm were evaluated using a microdilution method. Results: The extracts showed an inhibitory concentration between 1 418.74 ± 6 ppm and 14.1 ± 5 ppm; the extract that presented the best activity was the Arctostaphylos pungens (pinguica) leaf. Conclusions: A. pungens is a plant used in traditional Mexican medicine, and this study has shown that it is a source of compounds against T. cruzi. Future studies could determine its toxicity and cytotoxicity to be applied as a possible treatment for Chagas disease.
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