Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Distribución de bacterias potencialmente fijadoras de nitrógeno y su relación con parámetros fisicoquímicos en suelos con tres coberturas vegetales en el sur de la Amazonia colombiana
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How to Cite

Mantilla-Paredes, A., Cardona, G., Peña-Venegas, C., Murcia, U., Rodríguez, M., & Zambrano, M. (2009). Distribución de bacterias potencialmente fijadoras de nitrógeno y su relación con parámetros fisicoquímicos en suelos con tres coberturas vegetales en el sur de la Amazonia colombiana. Revista De Biología Tropical, 57(4), 915–927.


Potentially nitrogen-fixing microaerobic and aerobic bacteria were isolated from several Colombian Amazon soils (for-est, pastures and chagras) and two landscapes (floodable and non floodable areas). The abundance and distri-bution of bacteria were evaluated, as well as their relationship with soil physical and chemical characteristics. Landscape had a direct influence on the abundance of the microaerobic bacteria, with higher numbers in forest and pasture soils in non-floodable zones. The aerobic isolates (N=51) were grouped into 19 morphologies, with the highest numbers found in forest soil in floodable zones. A higher number of aerobic morphologies was shared among forest sites (Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling and Analysis of Similarity p<0.05), and 40% of the distribution was explained by lime percentage and Al concentration.
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