Introduction: Global coral bleaching reflects coral fragility to adverse environmental conditions and climate change. Porites lobata is the most abundant hermatypic coral species currently in El Salvador and has experienced recent bleaching events at natural protected area Complejo Los Cóbanos.
Objective: To describe the bleaching episodes that colonies of P. lobata experienced at Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, during the last 18 years, and analyze coral restoration efforts.
Methods: Approximately 2 100 images (2006 – 2022) taken without specific periodicity from two sites were reviewed. Water parameters since 2014 were registered without defined frequency. The areas sampled were El Faro beach and subtidal colonies near an important beach resort. The first area presented dispersed colonies on an intertidal zone, the other, larger colonies at 2 m deep in low tide. Also, literature about activities to restore reefs within the country was reviewed.
Results: Several bleaching events occurred during this observation period. Some of them could be associated to high sea water temperatures (> 30 o C) from May to October (rainy season), others to harmful algae blooms, as well as unknown causes. Severe bleaching that caused loss of coral coverage on intertidal colonies occurred during the global event (2015-2016).
Conclusion: Bleaching at Los Cóbanos occurs in different intensity patterns usually during the rainy season that encompasses high temperature and turbidity levels in water, as well as algal blooms. The 2015-2016 episode caused coral coverage loss on the intertidal colonies and subtidal ones experienced little permanent damages (< 5% mortality). National restoration policies for coral colonies require more strategic efforts considering the local littoral hydrodynamics and institutional capabilities.
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