Introduction: Coral reef structures in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero are well-preserved. The coverage of living corals, near 60 % at several locations, makes them comparable to other coral reefs in the states of Oaxaca, Jalisco, and Nayarit and with high potential to promote their conservation.
Objective: To present the outcome of 12 years of research in coral communities from Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, as a justifying argument for the current conservation efforts in the area.
Methods: We developed a baseline on the conservation status of the reef structures, bioerosion processes and the source of major natural and anthropogenic impacts. We assessed the genetic diversity of the coral zooxanthellae symbionts, the outcome of a technique of coral transplantation to recover the coverage of living corals and the local ecological knowledge to involve local inhabitants to promote conservation.
Results: At least five coral reefs remain exposed to a medium-low level of impact by bioerosion and anthropization. Coral transplantation experiments made in the area showed records of transplant survival nearing 90 %. Although the warming of the sea surface temperature that occurred during the El Niño of 2015-2016 caused coral bleaching and mortality in several coral populations in this area, there were no affectations attributed to this phenomenon in other locations. This response was not related to the level of exposure to anthropogenic impacts, and the presence of thermal resistant zooxanthellae was assessed using molecular tools, confirming the existence of zooxanthellae of the genus Durusdinium. The analysis of local ecological knowledge of the inhabitants of Zihuatanejo showed that they keep elaborate knowledge on the ecology of coral reefs. This is complemented with scientific knowledge that will encourage community participation in conservation strategies.
Conclusions: A long-term multidisciplinary strategy is required for coral reef conservation that encompasses: 1) assessing the role of the overall holobiont in the thermal resistance of corals from this area and 2) establishing restoration strategies of coral reefs that include the local knowledge about marine ecology, for the establishment of coral reef protection and management schemes put in place by local inhabitants.
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