Introduction: Little is known about the dendrochronological potential of Podocarpaceaes in the tropics. Objective: To explore the dendrochronological potential of three Podocarpaceae species: Retrophyllum rospigliosii, Podocarpus oleifolius and Prumnopitys harmsiana. Methods: A sample of 88 trees was sampled and analyzed: 30 cross-sections of R. rospigliosii, 30 and 28 of P. oleifolius and P. harmsiana, respectively, extracted with an increment borer. Samples were processed according to standard dendrochronological methods. Results: The anatomical characteristics of the growth rings of the three species are similar (i.e., density changes), with a simple conifer anatomy with radially oriented tracheids. Samples from R. rospigliosii and P. oleifolius showed a satisfactory cross-dating with an average inter-correlation of 0.55 (r-Pearson). For P. harmsiana, it was not possible to specify a series of rings from the collected samples. Conclusions: Dendrochronological research with Podocarpaceae species could be carried out successfully.
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