Introduction: Chemical pollution represents a great concern to aquatic organisms, especially fish. Metals enter the aquatic environment from a variety of sources, including natural biogeochemical cycles and anthropogenic sources such as industrial and residential effluents, mining and atmospheric sources. Objective: To describe the Eustrongylides sp. larvae and the interaction with their fish hosts as indicators of mercury (Hg) contamination in the Brazilian Amazon, and the distribution of Hg in the internal organs of fish species Hoplias malabaricus and Pygocentrus nattereri collected in oxbow lakes on the Tapajós River, in the municipality of Santarém, in the state of Pará. Methods: Total Hg was analyzed using the Direct Hg Analyzer - DMA-80. Concentrations of Hg in Eustrongylides sp. were compared with those found in the tissues/organs of the hosts H. malabaricus and P. nattereri. Hg concentrations in the host/parasite system were statistically compared using Principal Component Analysis. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) was calculated to assess the bioaccumulation capacity of metals in Eustrongylides sp. larvae, comparing the concentration of Hg in the parasite with that accumulated in the musculature of infected hosts. Results: Hg concentrations in all tissues/organs analyzed were higher in the parasitic species Eustrongylides sp. larvae when compared with those found in tissues/organs of H. malabaricus and P. nattereri. There was an inversely proportional relationship, showing that when Eustrongylides sp. larvae are present, the concentration in the parasite is higher than in the musculature of host fish H. malabaricus and P. nattereri. The BCF of Hg was found by comparing Eustrongylides sp. larvae/H. malabaricus muscle and was observed during a flood (BCF Hg = 15 364). Conclusions: The results confirm the greater bioaccumulative capacity of Eustrongylides sp. compared to its host. The data indicated the viability of using Eustrongylides sp. larvae in biomonitoring programs. It is worth mentioning that fish samples for Hg analysis must be free of parasites since their presence can alter the results.
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