Mysid crustaceans are frequently used in the laboratory to feed cephalopods and fish, but not along the Pacific coast, where they are scarce. There is no commercial aquaculture of mysids in the Pacific Ocean. To change this situation, we calculate fecundity, survival, and sex ratio of Mysidopsis californica under semi-controlled conditions. Mysids were collected manually using a 500 µm-mesh net along the rocky coast of Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico. They were transferred to three 30 L seawater aquaria in the laboratory, and fed (ad libitum) Artemia nauplii and rotifers. Two generations were obtained. The relationship between the number of juveniles born and parent female lengths showed a rate of 1.56 juveniles released per each unit of increasing parent female length. An average parent female length of 6.92 mm (SD=0.82) gave 9.96 (SD=4.29) released juveniles. The frequency of female length showed a mean of 7.3 mm (SD=0.54), whereas that of juveniles showed a mean of 1.7 mm (SD=0.16). Survival and sex ratios (females-males) varied from 77.7 % to 88.6 % and 2.5:1 to 3.0:1, respectively.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##
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