Reports on the effects of hurricanes on marine and coastal envi-ronments often deal with coral reefs, but little is known about their effect on the communities associated with the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. From January 1997 (pre-hurricane) through April 1998 (post-hurricane) we made montly collections of fauna in E. crassipes roots from Laguna Coyuca, Mexico (17º00’-16º54’ N, 99º58’-100º05’ W). The hurricane affected Coyuca on October 9th, 1997 and caused mortalities of that fauna. During the three subsequent months the absence of E. crassipes and its associated fauna in the study area was evident, but in January 1998, we found a partial reestablishment of E. crassipes and its associated fauna. Four months later, this community was almost back to pre-hurricane levels.

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