Introduction: Monitoring bioindicators is crucial for conservation in natural protected areas, such as the Manu Biosphere Reserve. Different taxa have been used as bioindicators due to their specific characteristics, including ease of sampling, varied responses to disturbances, association richness with other species, and accessible taxonomy. Objectives: To compare the potential of four taxa (Chilopoda, Scarabeidae, Carabidae, and Pompilidae) as bioindicators in a disturbance gradient, considering their ease of collection, presence of changes in community composition, species with marked disturbance preferences, and diversity correlated with other groups. Methods: The study was conducted at the Manu Learning Centre Biological Station within the Manu Biosphere Reserve, a self-regeneration forest with varying degrees of disturbance. Specimens were collected using pitfall traps, yellow pan traps, Malaise traps, and monoliths. Specific richness, abundance, similarity analysis, non-metric multidimensional scaling, Bray-Curtis distance, Bray-Curtis beta diversity partitioning, correspondence analysis, Williams' G goodness-of-fit, and Spearman's correlation index were measured. Results: Among all taxa, the most collected specimens belonged to the Scarabeidae family, with 217 individuals, while Pompilidae exhibited the highest richness with 39 species. Differences in all three forest types were detected only in Chilopoda through similarity analysis. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed distinctions in both Chilopoda and Scarabeidae. All taxa exhibited changes in community composition. Conclusions: Each group responds differently to disturbance levels. Scarabeidae and Chilopoda demonstrate more favorable characteristics, though other taxa also hold potential for highlighting distinct ecosystem features.
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