Introduction: Plant physiology has a global impact in terms of publications given the significance of its research on the performance of plants, whether in their mechanisms, efficiency, adaptability, genetics, and evolution. At the same time, Revista de Biología Tropical (RBT) is one of the most important scientific journals originating from the neotropical region, and this year it reaches its seventy years of creation and continuous publication.
Objective: To identify the topics, provenance, gender equity, and impact of the RBT publications in plant physiology.
Methods: We selected all RBT articles from Web of Science between 2000-2022. From this group of articles, one by one we chose articles with some relation to plant physiology (n= 170). Subsequently, we determined the total number of citations per article by the number of articles per author’s country of affiliation. We calculated the sex equity index per article as the number of female authors among the total authors. Finally, we plotted the frequencies and applied χ2 analysis.
Results: Phytochemistry predominated with 25.3% of the articles, followed by germination-seedlings (20 %), tissue culture-somatic embryogenesis-biotechnology (17.6 %), and stress physiology (10.6 %). The phenology topic stood out with the highest number of citations per article (10.33), followed by phytochemistry (8.98), plant pathology and stress physiology (8.57 and 8.56, respectively), tissue culture (8.33), and ecomorphology (8.09). Most of the publications were from Costa Rica, followed by Colombia and Mexico. Finally, only 38.6 % of the authors that participate in plant physiology publications are women.
Conclusions: Despite the low number of publications on plant physiology in the last 22 years, the RBT follows the international trend on the topics currently investigated and represents an important focus for the dissemination of these topics in Neotropical countries. Finally, plant physiology in the 21st century is still biased towards a low female participation.
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