We determined the earliest stage of postembryonic development at which primary and secondary sexual differentiations occur in the freshwater (“red claw”) crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. .For this purpose, 797 males, 506 females and 456 intersex specimens within a weight range of 0.02-89.96 g were observed under stereoscopic microscope to determine the presence of the genital openings at the basis of the third (females) or fifth (males) pair of pereiopods. Animals presenting both pairs of genital openings were considered as intersex. A subsample of 106 males, 69 females and 59 intersex were dissected for the macroscopic characterization of gonad morphology. The development of the genital openings began approximately at 0.10 g, simultaneously with the differentiation of the reproductive system in females, males and intersex. Although the differentiation of the reproductive system started very early in the postembryonic development, the definitive form and colour of ovaries, oviducts, testes and vasa deferentia was acquired later. The differentiation of the appendix masculinabegan at 0.12-0.2 g and acquired the elongated shape of the adult at 1-2 g. The soft red patch characteristic of adult males started at 2.3 g of body weight in both chelipeds.

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