Introduction: The mountain stream axolotl (Ambystoma altamirani) is an endemic amphibian of Mexico cataloged as a priority species for conservation with a very restricted distribution in the Sierra de las Cruces. Anthropogenic activities currently endanger it. Objective: To determine the habitat factors most associated with its presence to propose conservation strategies. Methods: Four sites in Villa del Carbon, State of Mexico, were sampled monthly for one year (September 2022 to August 2023) with the presence and absence of A. altamirani. Environmental, physicochemical, bacteriological, physicochemical, and biotic parameters of the water were randomly analyzed. Results: A total of 1 186 organisms were censused, and it was determined with a CCA that the variables most related to the populations were solar radiation, total coliforms, percentage of oxygen saturation, UV radiation, fecal coliforms, and temperature. It was observed that the habitat is not being adequately conserved. The populations studied showed a decline during the study. The sites with the highest population abundance showed an increase in the presence of adults, mainly females. It is essential to focus conservation actions on this umbrella species and maintain the variables mentioned above with little disturbance to allow the prevalence of the species. Conclusion: This information can be useful in developing conservation actions for the habitat, which it shares with other endemic and endangered amphibians. 1) It is urgent to protect this species due to the fragility of its populations and rapid decline; 2) It is necessary to propose conservation strategies that are adapted to the localities studied and 3) This will help to prioritize the protection of microendemic species in local environments.
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