Guindon, C. F. 1988. Protection of habitat critical to the resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno, on private land bordering the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica M.S. thesis, Ball State University.
Guindon, Carlos F. 1997. The Importance of Forest Fragments to the Maintenance of Regional Biodiversity Surrounding a Tropical Montane Reserve, Costa Rica. Diss. Yale University.
Haber, W. A. 2000. Plants and vegetation. En N. M. Nadkarni y N.T. Wheelwright (Ed.) Monteverde: Ecology and conservation of a tropical cloud forest, pp. 34-94. Oxford University Press, New York.
Harvey, C., C. Guindon, W. A. Haber, D. Hamilton, K. G. Murray. 2007. Importancia de fragmentos de bosque, árboles dispersos y cortinas rompevientos para la conservación de biodiversidad en el agropaisaje de Monteverde, Costa Rica. En C. A. Harvey, y J. C. Sáenz, (Ed.), Evaluación y Conservación de la Biodiversidad en Paisajes Fragmentados de Mesoamérica, pp. 289-325. Inbio.
Holdridge, L.R. 1966. The life zone system. Adansonia 6: 199-203.
Powell, G.V.N y R. Bjork. 1995. Implications of intratropical migration on reserve design: a case study using Pharomachrus mocinno. Conservation Biology 9:354-362.
Powell, G.V.N y R.D. Bjork. 1994. Implications of altitudinal migration for conservation strategies to protect tropical biodiversity: a case study of the Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno at Monteverde, Costa Rica. Bird Conservation International 4:161-174.
van der Werff, H. 1996. Notes on Costa Rican Lauraceae with the description of several new species. Novon, 476-483.
Publicaciones con la autoría de Carlos Guindon
Godish, T., & Guindon, C. 1989. An assessment of botanical air purification as a formaldehyde mitigation measure under dynamic laboratory chamber conditions. Environmental pollution, 62(1), 13-20.
Guindon, C. 1994. Forest remnants and corridors. Tapir Tracks, A publication of the Monteverde Conservation League, 9(1).
Guindon, C. F. 1997. The Importance of Forest Fragments to the Maintenance of Regional Biodiversity Surrounding a Tropical Montane Reserve, Costa Rica. Diss. Yale University.
Guindon, C. F. 1988. Protection of habitat critical to the resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno, on private land bordering the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica M.S. thesis, Ball State University.
Guindon, C. F., Harvey, C. A., & Vargas, G. 2001. Integrating biological research and land use practices in Monteverde, Costa Rica. In Biological Diversity, pp. 369-383. CRC Press.
Guindon, C., & Palmintieri, S. 1996. Great Green Macaw habitat reforestation feasibility study. Final report to The Rainforest Alliance. New York: The Rainforest Alliance.
Harvey, C., Guindon, C., Haber, W. A., Hamilton, D., & Murray, K. G. 2007. Importancia de fragmentos de bosque, árboles dispersos y cortinas rompevientos para la conservación de biodiversidad en el agropaisaje de Monteverde, Costa Rica. En C. A. Harvey, y J. C. Sáenz, editores. Evaluación y Conservación de la Biodiversidad en Paisajes Fragmentados de Mesoamérica, pp 289-325. Inbio.
Lawton, M. F., & Guindon, C. F. 1981. Flock composition, breeding success, and learning in the brown jay. The Condor, 83(1), 27-33.
Powell, G. V. N., Wright, P., Guindon, C., Alemán, I., Bjork, R. 1999. Results and recommendations for the conservation of the Great Green Macaw (Ara ambigua) in Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica: Centro Científico Tropical.
Wheelwright, N. T., Haber, W. A., Murray, K. G., & Guindon, C. 1984. Tropical fruit-eating birds and their food plants: a survey of a Costa Rican lower montane forest. Biotropica, 173-192.
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