Revistarquis ISSN electrónico: 2215-275X

Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): REVISTARQUIS 19

This new issue of REVISTARQUIS compiles a varied theme in the published texts, some focused on the city and others on architectural elements. Revistarquis 19 has contributions from authors from various regions of the planet and offers a new opportunity to deepen theoretical discussions, as well as technical and methodological reflections on various investigative processes. We hope that this issue of the Architecture magazine of the University of Costa Rica will be to the liking of our reading public.

This number corresponds to JANUARY - JUNE 2021.


Reviews / Project review

José Daniel Picado García, Irena Fonseca Alvarado
112 - 117
The Camping Hill “Delightfully Separated”
PDF (Español (España))