International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623


About the Journal

Open Access policy

The International Journal of Asian Studies is protected under the Declaration of Berlin (2001). It shares initiatives like the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). It is run by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 International license and it applies the protocol OAI_PMH “Open Archives Initiative”.

Editing and publishing rights belong to the journal whereas intellectual property rights are held by the authors. Papers published in the journal have free access for educational and scientific purposes as long as they are properly quoted. The commercial use of the papers published by this journal is punished by the corresponding international dispositions.

This journal provides free and immediate access to its content under the principle of allowing investigation to be accessible to the public, which encourages a greater global knowledge exchange.

Free publication

Submission, review, and publication of manuscripts are free of charge for authors (check the four stages in the section: peer review process).

University of Costa Rica takes care of the economical expenses involved in the publication of every issue; therefore, no type of payment is required.

The publishing process does not include translations, though. In these cases, the corresponding charges fall upon the author.

Ethical Issues and plagiarism detection system

The International Journal of Asian Studies protects its publications under national and international ethical norms. The journal relies on the legislation of the Committee of Ethics of Publications (COPE) and on the Turnitin tool to detect academic and professional plagiarism.

The editorial process involves editors, authors and reviewers. Editors make sure that the journal’s policies and norms are fulfilled transparently and impartially. Authors are responsible for their submissions: the originality and innovation of their papers, the clarity in the methodology and sponsorship, the reliability of the sources. Not only must innovative investigations, but they can only be sent to this journal during the peer review process. Authors take full responsibility for the content of their papers. Reviewers are committed to communicate any possible plagiarism or fraud they detect in the papers assigned to them; also, to evaluate manuscripts under the journal’s norms and to support their judgement with arguments that contribute to the improvement of the papers, following the journal’s evaluation form. Equally important is for them to refrain from revealing information related to the content of the papers until they have been officially published.

Peer review process

The journal receives manuscripts all year round. It is organized through annual volumes with two issues a year. The first issue is from January to June and the second issue is from July to December. The result of the evaluation process is communicated in September/October and March/April.

Evaluation criteria

1.Originality: authors must attach a signed letter (sworn statement) in which they claim the document’s originality and hand the rights to the journal for its distribution.

2.Papers must be on the subject of Asian studies with traditional or new approaches in the field of humanities and social sciences.

3.Articles for methodological purposes are also received, such as literature reviews, theoretical and epistemological proposals,
evaluation of sources in the field of Asian studies. Additionally, the journal dedicates a section to the publication of original translations from Asian languages texts as well as book reviews and essays.

4.The reception of articles does not imply an acceptance for publication.

5.Manuscripts must include the author’s institutional or scientific affiliation.

6.Manuscripts must include the title, abstract and keywords in English and Spanish.

7.It is recommended to use the keywords from UNESCO’s Thesaurus Web direction:

8.The paper should not be part of any other editorial process simultaneously.

9.The evaluation process is composed of four stages:
     1. Authors must complete the information requested in the Open Journal System; the proposal will not be received otherwise.
     2. The editor verifies the fulfilment of the journal’s requirements.
     3. The paper is sent to external peerreviewers chosen by the Scientific Board according to their area of expertise and the paper’s topic. This is carried out under a double-blind system and following the Journal’s evaluation form.
    4. Evaluations can result in recommendations for adjustments which will be mandatory for a definite evaluation. Authors will be granted two weeks to conclude the modifications and submit it back to the journal.

10.The complete evaluation process takes approximately six weeks. The final decision in terms of the publication of the paper falls upon the Scientific Board.

The final decision in terms of the publication of the paper falls upon the Scientific Board.