International Journal of Asian Studies ISSN electrónico: 2215-6623

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Author Guidelines

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Submission Preparation Checklist:

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check if their submission complies with the following aspects. Submissions that do not comply with these aspects, will be returned to their author.
● Authors must submit, along with their manuscript, a signed statement in which they guarantee the document is original and has not been sent to any other journal for publication. In addition, the document must express authors
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●  The document must follow simple spacing, font size 12; use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); illustrations, figures and tables are placed appropriately within the text. The manuscript must follow the style and
bibliographical requirements presented in the Author Guidelines section.

Author Guidelines

The International Journal of Asian Studiesaccepts papers in English and Spanish.They must be original, unpublished and can’t be part of any other editing process with other journals. They must follow these guidelines:

● Authors must submit, along with their manuscript, a signed statement in which they guarantee the document is original and has not been sent to any other journal for publication. In addition, the document must express authors hand copyrights to the journal. [download statement]

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● The title of the manuscript must be written in English and Spanish (Times New Roman font, size 20). Indicate author’s full name, academic degree, affiliation and email.

● Titles within the text should be Times New Roman 16, whereas subtitles take Times New Roman 14. Do not indent titles. Subtitles, on the other hand, should be indented 1.25 centimeters; avoid labeling them with numbers or letters or adding boldface.

● Every paper must include an abstract of no more than 150 words and 5 key words in English and Spanish. The abstract and keywords should be in Times New Roman 10 single spacing. An introduction and a conclusion are recommended in the structure of the paper.

● Paragraphs are indented 1.25 centimeters in the first sentence, line spacing is 1.15, and font size is 12; the four margins must have 3cm spacing. The document must be .txt, .doc or .rtf.

● Papers can include charts, graphs and illustrations with their source and corresponding authorization. Images must have jpg, png or gif format and a 300 dpi resolution. A maximum of six images will be allowed.

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● Textual citations no longer than three lines must be inserted in the text between double quotes in the same font as the rest of the text, no boldface or italics required. Citations more than three lines long will appear in a separate paragraph indented 1,25 cm to the left of the text with no quotation marks, boldface or italics, with single spacing and Times New Roman 12.

● Bibliography and footnotes (check examples below) must follow the latest version of the Chicago Manual of Style (Website:

● Citations must be included in their original language. If the language is different from the one used in the text, they must be inserted as footnotes.

● Primary sources must be adapted to the Chicago format.

Examples from the Chicago Manual of Style:

Theses and dissertations:


Edmond Yi-teh Chang, "The Aesthetics of Wu: Wang Bi’s Ontological Paradigm and the Transformation of Chinese Aesthetics" (PhD diss., University of California, 2001), 10-15.

Bibliography Entry

Chang, Edmond Yi-teh. “The Aesthetics of Wu: Wang Bi’s Ontological Paradigm and the Transformation of Chinese Aesthetics”. PhD diss. University of Chicago, 2001.

Conference proceedings


Alan Kam-leung Chan, “From Uncrowned King to the Sage of Profound Greatness: Confucius and the Analects in Early Medieval China”, In A Concise Companion to Confucius, edited by Paul Rakita Godin (Wiley Online Library, 2017), 56-67.

Bibliography Entry

Chan, Alan Kam-leung. “From Uncrowned King to the Sage of Profound Greatness: Confucius and the Analects in Early Medieval China”. In A Concise Companion to Confucius, editado por Paul Rakita Godin. Wiley Online Library, 2017.

Conference papers


Doménech del Río, Antonio José, "Las nuevas “tribus” coreanas. Estudio sobre la identidad de los nuevos grupos de la sociedad coreana contemporánea" (paper presented at 5 Foro Español de investigación Asia-Pacífico. Congreso Internacional, Barcelona, 27-28 junio 2016), uploads/2018/03/Libro-resumenes- FEIAP_2016.pdf Bibliography entry: Doménech del Río, Antonio José. "Las nuevas “tribus” coreanas. Estudio sobre la identidad de los nuevos grupos de la sociedad coreana contemporánea". Paper presented at 5 Foro Español de investigación Asia-Pacífico. Congreso Internacional, Barcelona, 27-28 junio 2016).

Books Single autor


Julia Ching, Mysticism and Kingship in China: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1997). 40-54.

Bibliography entry:

Ching, Julia. Mysticism and Kingship in China: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Book - Several authors


Leo Chang and Yu Feng, The Four Political Treatises of Huangdi: Original Mawangdui Texts with Complete English Translations and an Introduction (Honolulu: University of Hawaiì Press, 1998), 39-45.

Bibliography entry:

Chang, Leo, and Feng Yu. The Four Political Treatises of Huangdi: Original Mawangdui Texts with Complete English Translations and an Introduction. Honolulu: University of Hawaiì Press, 1998.

Book chapter


Angus Charles Graham, “Reflections and Replies”, In Chinese texts and philosophical contexts: Essays dedicated to A.C. Graham, ed. Henry Rosemont Jr. (La Salle: Open Court, 1991), 3-7.

Bibliography entry:

Graham, Angus Charles. “Reflections and Replies”. In Chinese texts and philosophical contexts: Essays dedicated to A.C. Graham, edited by Henry Rosemont Jr. La Salle: Open Court, 1991.

Journal article (no volume)


Herbert Fingarette, “The Music of Humanity in the Conversations of Confucius”, Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10, (1983): 331-56.

Bibliography entry:

Fingarette, Herbert. “The Music of Humanity in the Conversations of Confucius”. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10, (1983): 331-56.

Journal article (with volume)


Xiaogan Liu, “From Bamboo Slips to Received Versions: Common Features in the Transformation of the Laozi”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 63, n.° 2 (2003): 337-382.

Bibliography entry:

Liu, Xiaogan. “From Bamboo Slips to Received Versions: Common Features in the Transformation of the Laozi”. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 63, n.° 2 (2003): 337-382.



Maricela Mireya Reyes López, «Vietnam 2020: un año con pocos éxitos, muchos retos e incertidumbre», Anuario Asia Pacífico el Colegio de México, n.o 20 (12 de agosto de 2021): 1-24,

Bibliography entry

López, Maricela Mireya Reyes. «Vietnam 2020: un año con pocos éxitos, muchos retos e incertidumbre». Anuario Asia
Pacífico el Colegio de México, n.o 20 (12 de agosto de 2021): 1-24. 323

Journal article (with doi)


Sophus Helle, "The Chronotope of the Threshold in Gilgamesh", Journal of the American Oriental Society 141, n.o 1
(2021): 185-200,


Helle, Sophus. "The Chronotope of the Threshold in Gilgamesh". Journal of the American Oriental Society 141, n.o 1
(2021): 185-200.

Newspaper article – no author


The Mainichi, "Last troops exit Afghanistan, ending America’s longest war", August 31, 2021, 1.

Bibliography entry

The Mainichi. "Last troops exit Afghanistan, ending America’s longest war",Aaugust 31, 2021.

Newspaper article – with author

FN (footnote from now on)Tatiana Gutiérrez Wa-Chong, "Ruta de la Seda facilitaría relación comercial con China", La República, 2017, 17.

B. E (Bibliography entry from now on) Gutiérrez Wa-Chong, Tatiana. «Ruta de la Seda facilitaría relación comercial con China». La República, 2017

Newspaper article from the internet

Jeffry Garza, "Gobierno de Corea del Sur apoyará municipalidades locales", La República, accedido 30 de agosto de 2021,


Garza, Jeffry. "Gobierno de Corea del Sur apoyará municipalidades locales". La República. Accedido 30 de agosto de 2021.

Additional criteria

Avoid the use of latin expressions ((op. cit.; id.; idem.; ibid.; ibidem.; loc. cit.; art. cit.)since these might have been used in
previous pages, which can confuse the reader. Instead, for subsequent footnotes of the same source, use the author’s last name, an abbreviated title y the page number.

For example, a subsequent note of:

Herbert Fingarette, “The Music of Humanity in the Conversations of Confucius”, Journal of Chinese Philosophy 10, (1983): 331-56.

Would be:
Fingarette, “The Music of Humanity in the Conversations of Confucius”, 331-56. In the case of short titles, subsequent
footnotes will not need abbreviations

For example, a subsequent note of:

Julia Ching, Mysticism and Kingship in China: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1997). 40-54.

Would be:

Ching, Mysticism and Kingship in China:The Heart of Chinese Wisdom, 45.

Use brackets ([ ]) in the footnotes for translations made by the author; in such cases, insert [author’s translation] at the end of the reference, right before the period. Brackets are also used in footnotes to express who emphasizes a phrase or word. Another way to show emphasis is through italics, as long as the footnote includes [emphasis added]. This indicates the reader that emphasis was added in the textual citation.

References for Spanish publications use capitalization only in the first letter of the title. On the other hand, titles in English are capitalized completely except for prepositions, articles and coordinating conjunctions.


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